Stomach Ulcers

“Coffee causes ulcers… right?” “I feel awful. That pizza must have given me an ulcer!” “Work has been crazy stressful. I think I have an ulcer.” All of these sentiments, while well meaning, are actually inaccurate. There is a surprising amount of confusion among the general public about what causes stomach ulcers and what we…

Big Data in Healthcare

Big data is one of those buzzwords that is so popular it almost becomes meaningless. A lot has been said about the role of massive number crunching and now artfiical intelligence and it’s ability to transform medicine. In this piece at the Center for Health Journalism, I explore some of the realities behind these pronouncements.…

The Problem With Academic Medicine

Academic medical centers have been traditionally been vanguards of medicine – centers for the latest research, places to train the future generation of physicians, and where the most complicated patients are treated. Navigating this cathedral of biomedical science is not easy for many young faculty members, including myself. Some of these challenges may surprise you……

No More Dietary Villains and Heroes

Maybe it’s time we drop the pitchforks when it comes to the food choices we make. In my GI clinic I have seen all forms of diets: vegan, paleo, ketogenic, (s)low carb, 6 food elimination protocol, specific carbohydrate diet, low sugar, low salt, juices, detoxes, the Zone, and the Hollywood cookie diet (no, seriously). I…